Unexpected Heroes: India Tales

“Well done! Our students were talking about the stories all day!”

Explore the history of the Chesapeake Bay with explorers, pirates, settlers and watermen, told in tale and song. Singer and actor Tom Zielinski spins the tales, interspersed with sea chantey sing-a-longs, keeping audiences actively engaged in history.

Stories include tales of the privations of 17th century settlers, the dangers of shipwrecks, and how real pirates and privateers started their adventures in the Chesapeake Bay. Great moments in American history are also featured, such as the burning of the Peggy Stewart in Annapolis harbor, the bombing of Ft. McHenry and the famous battle of the Civil War ironclads, the Merrimac and the Monitor.

Singing songs such as "Blow the Man Down", "The Coast of High Barbary", "Yankee Doodle Dandy", "Roll Alabama Roll" and "The Star Spangled Banner", children learn how important music is to sea faring life and American history.

Grades 2-6
Duration: 45 minutes
Maximum audience: 250 people
Fee: $400 single/$600 back-to-back

The Old Man and the Bay