This New Moon Theater best-seller continues to share the grace and beauty of a culture half a world away. Performed with zest and enthusiasm, these timeless stories teach the power of kindness and doing the right thing. Julie Kurzava uses her own unique performance style, including puppets, stylized movement, song, and lots of audience participation.

Stories include "The Grateful Statues" (Kasa Jizo), where an elderly couple is rewarded for their generosity, "The Tongue-Cut Sparrow (Shitakiri Suzume), about the benefits of friendship and the cost of cruelty, and the famous "Momotaro', or "The Peach Boy", a hero to all Japanese children, who fights the ogres with his team of friends.

Curriculum Connection: Minwa has been an enduring hit with students of all ages as part of their cultural diversity studies.

Grades K-5
Duration: 45 minutes
Maximum audience: 250 people
Fee: $400 single/$600 back-to-back

Minwa, Japanese Folktales